
02. Just Chilling

My second week home was just as good, if not better than the first. During Melissa’s visit, we went on a couple of little adventures and played a bunch of games with my parents. 

Melissa and I had a picnic for lunch one day on Ogunquit Beach in Maine. The wind was a bit chilly but nothing a few extra layers couldn’t fix. I was quite entertained by all the birds on the shore. One seagull “claimed” us. He was scaring off all the other birds so he could have a monopoly on any crumbs we’d leave behind. This other angry-looking one spent a decent amount of time flying up and dropping a clam to crack it open. My favorite birds by far though were these tiny little birds with itty bitty legs that scurried in and out of the waves. Made me chuckle.

The other thing my family did with Melissa that was remarkable was going to visit Ice Castles! We went on a sleigh ride, walked through a winter wonderland forest, and went tubing. I feel like snow and cold are so controversial but I absolutely love them. There is nothing like the fresh crisp air in your lungs and the crunch of the snow under your boots. 

Leaving home was sad. I don’t know when I’ll be able to spend a solid amount of time at home or with my family again, and that hit me hard the day I was heading out. With technology these days you can be closer than ever while still being so far apart, but it’s just not the same. I miss the face to face interactions and the quality time that comes with actually being in the same room with people.

Last but not least, you may have noticed some changes to my homepage. I am learning the platform and am slowly pulling together the site the way that I want it. Thanks for bearing with me and I hope you are enjoying following along on my adventures so far.

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